Tales of the Parodyverse

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 at 02:41:28 pm EST

A FMRC tie-in to the recent Untold Tales arc.
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The Federal Meta-Human Resource Center's Main Office, Washington D.C., Mr. Herbert P. Garrick's Office. 10:15 p.m.

"Where were you?" Mr. Garrick yelled across his desk to Allison Brandiwyne, head trainer of the FMRC's B Class.

"What do you mean, sir?" she timidly asked.

"One of your group's main missions is to protect me at all costs. Well, that was A Class's main mission but their dead now & I thought your group could handle the assignment." Mr. Garrick grumpily said.

"We can & are. On everyone one of your excursions out of the office my group has preformed excellently."

"Yes. There is no getting around that fact, but what about while I'm in my office?" He said pointedly.

At that moment, Miss brandiwyne looked around Mr. Garrick's office. There was wreckage everywhere.

"Over the last couple of days, I've had some unwanted visitors. First, it was that rogue meta Dancer, she just waltzed her way through security & into my office. I told you about that, didn't I?"

"Yes, sir."

"Also, that some of her fellow teammates might try to get back in to have a little chat with me. You know what you told me at that time?"

"That it wouldn't happen." Miss Brandiwyne said down trodden. She was now looking at the floor trying to avoid he gaze.

"YES! And I believed you, I've never had a reason to not believe you. I've worked with you on other projects for the Government & you've never done me wrong. But, those projects weren't of this magnitude. " Mr. Garrick said as he shook his head disappointment. "I seriously thought you could handle this."

Miss Brandiwyne felt she had let down her idol. She valued his opinion more then anything & the greatest day of her life was when Mr. Garrick personal asked her to join the FMRC.

"I'm beginning to think you can't control your students."

"No, sir. I'm in complete control of them." She said looking up at him.

"Then, who do you explain their little party last week?" He pointedly asked.

That comment hit her like a bullet. That party was her one slip up in years of service to Mr. Garrick.

"I'm sorry. I was blind sided by that one."

"If you were in control of them, nothing would blind side you."

"Yes, sir."

There was a few moments of silence. Every moment more killed Miss Brandiwyne a little bit more inside. He then told her that she could leave. After she had left, Mr. Garrick's Number Two Man: Ruben Holcomb stepped out of the shadows.

"Keep an eye on her. I expect this little talk lit a fire under her so we should expect greater loyalty from her & her group." Mr. Garrick said just before there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Garrick said.

The Exemplary walked into the office & said “You asked to see me?”

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